Aquarius Star Sign and Personality Traits

Aquarius Compatibility

aquarius-compatabilityCompatibility guide

Aquarius with Fire signs Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Aquarius with Air signs Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Aquarius with Earth signs Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Aquarius with Water signs Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Aquarius with Fire signs

The element of Air with Fire
This can be a relationship with lots of laughter, fun and big ideas. It’s great for a couple involved in politics or education, but when it comes to running the house– will you both ever get anything done? Fire can teach Air to think big and to be more enthusiastic, while Air can encourage Fire to stop and think before embarking on a course of action.

Compatibility AQUARIUS with ARIES
Element Air Fire
Planet Saturn and Uranus Mars
Quality Fixed Cardinal

This combination has the feel of ‘school pal’ friendship, with their love of mischief and adventure. Aquarius will not dampen the enthusiasm of Aries and Aries, who loves trying out new things, will be attracted to the off-beat ways of Aquarius. Both are independent, active and lively. The only problems that could arise are from the unpredictability of Aquarius or the selfishness of Aries. However, both are frank and like to get to the heart of matters quickly.


Compatibility AQUARIUS with LEO
Element Air Fire
Planet Saturn and Uranus Sun
Quality Fixed Fixed

Both signs are associated with love and humanity – Leo in a personal, warm-hearted way and Aquarius in a more universal, ‘love of all mankind’ kind of way. Leos often inspire confidence and good feelings in others, but their motivations can be self-centred since they expect at least the same in return. The need for praise is Leo’s blind spot and they can be very susceptible to flattery, so they are attracted to Aquarius’ total lack of concern for what others might think. A typical Aquarian with a ‘live and let live’ attitude may sometimes perceive their Leo mate as bossy and self- aggrandising. However, Leo is the sign of joi de vivre and this duo can enjoy a playful time together with lots of fun and laughter.

Element Air Fire
Planet Saturn and Uranus Jupiter
Quality Fixed Mutable

This Fire and Air combination is likely to get along like a house on fire! Both signs love the spirit of adventure and value their sense of independence highly. They are equally happy with each other’s company as with being with large numbers of people. There is a great intellectual rapport, which could lead to animated conversations that could carry on until the wee hours of the morning. They will not be short on physical attraction either, as both signs are drawn to each other. Their lives are likely to be busy, with a great deal of comings and goings. Both like to stay in touch with the latest news, trends and ideas. The fact that neither sign is overly sentimental or emotional makes it easy for them to stay together, both as loving partners and as friends.

Aquarius with Earth signs

The element of Air with Earth
While Earth may consider that Air is too heady and impractical and Air can view Earth as materialistic and unprincipled, this cool, dry combination does have its upside. Neither of you gets angry or ruffled without good reason and there is the potential for much humour and light-hearted banter between you. If you put your heads together, you can come up with lots of practical ideas, both for having fun and for making the world a better place.

Compatibility AQUARIUS with TAURUS
Element Air Earth
Planet Saturn and Uranus Venus
Quality Fixed Fixed

Both signs are strong-willed, stubborn and find change difficult. This bodes well for loyalty in a relationship, as both will stay glued to each other, as long as the relationship has a firm foundation. The only danger with having two strong fixed signs like Taurus and Aquarius is that it could lead to a stalemate, as neither will budge an inch. For Taurus it is security that matters the most, while for Aquarius it is being independent. In terms of approach, Taurus will generally go for the down-to-earth and conventional, while Aquarius naturally leans towards things that are modern and unpredictable. However, there is a great deal that each can learn from the other and it is a good aspect for help in realising career and business ambitions.

Compatibility AQUARIUS with VIRGO
Element Air Earth
Planet Saturn and Uranus Mercury
Quality Fixed Mutable

There is an emphasis on mental rapport and intellectual affinity in this combination. Both are emotionally detached in romantic relationships, but where Virgo is self-controlled and careful, Aquarius can be unpredictable and temperamental at times. Virgo likes to follow the well-trodden conventional path, whereas Aquarius is willing to explore the new and untried. However, on the plus side these two signs can complement each other with Virgo showing Aquarius how to specialise and also to focus on details, while Aquarius can encourage Virgo to take a broader and more global view.

Compatibility AQUARIUS with CAPRICORN
Element Air Earth
Planet Saturn and Uranus Saturn
Quality Fixed Cardinal

Though both signs are ruled by Saturn, Aquarius has Uranus as its co-ruler which is a different energy altogether. While Capricorn longs for stability and is willing to work hard to attain it, Aquarius’ prime motivation is a desire for independence and a fascination with all that is new or innovative. The two signs can work well together if both sides can appreciate the other’s unique qualities. Aquarius brings ingenuity, love of adventure and the ability to get along with larger groups while Capricorn contributes practicality, objectivity and reliability to the relationship. For this to work Capricorn needs to remember to inject some excitement to mundane routines and Aquarius needs to be sensitive to Capricorn’s yearning for stability.

Aquarius with Air signs

Same element signs
Normally each sign gets along easily with the other signs in the same element. So Aquarius will have a great deal in common with Libra and Gemini. However, ease is not necessarily a good thing. One of the secrets of a successful relationship is to have enough in common, but enough that is different.
The element of Air with Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Two-way communication is essential for the rational, cool and civilized Air type. This means that the relationship itself is of prime importance, because there is a need to have someone to communicate with. You both are probably great at communicating – not necessarily deep, soul-searching conversation, but good everyday, easy exchanges. Yours is likely to be a civilised relationship, with few arguments and many mutual interests and friends. However, don’t overdo the avoiding of difficult issues – it’s not comfortable having one’s head in a paper bag. A good argument can clear the air and create greater intimacy.

Compatibility AQUARIUS with GEMINI
Element Air Air
Planet Saturn and Uranus Mercury
Quality Fixed Mutable

These two like exploring new ideas, places and people, so will have a great deal in common. Aquarians love their independence, both intellectual and physical and Geminis are not possessive in relationships. Gemini finds Aquarius’ unpredictability rather exciting and is willing to go along with their unusual ideas. Both signs are restless but could burn up the excess energy by taking a trip together, as they both love traveling and discovering new places. This bright and breezy pairing could end up becoming the best of friends as well.

Compatibility AQUARIUS with LIBRA
Element Air Air
Planet Saturn and Uranus Venus
Quality Fixed Cardinal

Libra will love the inventive and unorthodox Aquarius, while is drawn to the diplomatic and charming Libra. Both are interested in love, though for Libra it is personal love that matters and for Aquarius, a love of humanity. Neither of these signs will make impossible demands on the other. Since both are Air signs they will never be short of topics for conversation and their communication is likely to be enthusiastic, lively and full of laughter. For this relationship to work on a romantic level Libra has to allow Aquarius freedom to explore all that is new and also be prepared to use tact when at times Aquarius becomes aloof or unpredictable.

Compatibility AQUARIUS with AQUARIUS
Element Air Air
Planet Saturn and Uranus Saturn and Uranus
Quality Fixed Fixed

The Aquarian qualities of independence, strong will and unconventionality will be reinforced with this combination. There will be a great deal in common to do with intellectual pursuits. Both are likely to be active, outgoing people who enjoy meeting new groups and keeping up to date with all the latest developments. The romantic and physical aspect of this relationship will be somewhat impersonal and detached since Aquarius operates on the mental plane. However, there is little doubt that these two will be the best of buddies and have a great deal of fun together.

Aquarius with Water signs

The element of Air with Water
Air may view Water as illogical and irrational and Water may see Air as overly cool and rational. Air likes everything to be discussed while Water tends to think that some things are so obvious they don’t need explaining. What the two of you have in common is an interest in people and in what makes them tick; examining your motives and those of others may be what keeps you two awake at night.

Compatibility AQUARIUS with CANCER
Element Air Water
Planet Saturn and Uranus Moon
Quality Fixed Cardinal

There is an attraction of opposites with these two signs. Cancer is attracted to Aquarius’ detached independence, while Aquarius is drawn to Cancer’s caring qualities. There is a great deal that these two can learn from each other if they are willing to make the effort. Being a fixed sign Aquarius is the more stubborn of the two. On the other hand, the Crab is well known for its tenacity. Aquarians generally fare well in friendships and with Cancer they are likely to have found a friend they can truly rely on.

Compatibility AQUARIUS with SCORPIO
Element Air Water
Planet Saturn and Uranus Mars and Pluto
Quality Fixed Fixed

Both signs are strong-willed and stubborn. The danger with having two fixed signs like Scorpio and Aquarius is that it could lead to a stalemate, as neither will budge an inch. For watery Scorpio it is intimate relationships that matters the most, while for Aquarius it is being independent. Aquarius works on the mental plane and can be idealistic in an abstract sort of way, while Scorpio operates on a deeply emotional level. The cool and cerebral Sagittarius is often baffled by Scorpio’s intense emotional responses. However, there is a great deal that each can learn from the other and it is a good combination for realising career and business ambitions.

Compatibility AQUARIUS with PISCES
Element Air Water
Planet Saturn and Uranus Jupiter and Neptune
Quality Fixed Mutable

The fascination that exists between these two contrary energies is a highly complex one. Both these signs at times feel themselves to be misfits in the world of conventionality. Aquarius fits more easily into the role of the archetypal rebel, while Pisces conveys a sense of belonging to a different plane altogether. The differences that arise could be to do with Pisces’ need for romance and security, both of which don’t come naturally to Aquarius. If Pisces is willing to lower their need for demonstrations of amour and if Aquarius is willing to be sensitive to Pisces’ unspoken yearnings, this could make a truly unique and lasting partnership.

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